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Siama Blue Tiger
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₹180.00 ₹300.00
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The Siam Blue Tiger Guppy is a visually stunning variety known for its distinctive coloration and patterning. Here’s a detailed overview:


1. **Appearance**:

   - **Body Color**: The Siam Blue Tiger Guppy features a vibrant blue body, often with a metallic or iridescent sheen that enhances its visual appeal.

   - **Pattern**: True to its name, the "Tiger" pattern includes bold, dark stripes or spots that contrast with the blue body. These tiger-like stripes can vary in width and intensity but generally run horizontally or vertically along the body and tail.

   - **Tail**: The tail is typically large and flowing, continuing the blue and tiger-stripe pattern from the body, making it visually striking.


2. **Size**:

   - Siam Blue Tiger Guppies generally grow to about 1.5-2 inches in length.


3. **Temperament**:

   - These guppies are peaceful and social, making them suitable for community tanks with other non-aggressive species.

   - They are active swimmers and do well in groups.


4. **Water Conditions**:

   - **Temperature**: 72-82°F (22-28°C)

   - **pH**: 6.8-7.8

   - **Hardness**: Moderately hard water is preferred.

   - **Environment**: They thrive in clean, well-oxygenated water. A well-planted tank with ample swimming space and hiding spots is ideal.


5. **Diet**:

   - **Basic Diet**: High-quality flake or pellet food formulated for guppies.

   - **Supplements**: Offer live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia to enhance their coloration and health.

   - **Variety**: Providing a varied diet ensures they receive all necessary nutrients.


6. **Breeding**:

   - **Livebearers**: Siam Blue Tiger Guppies give birth to live fry.

   - **Reproduction**: Females can produce a brood of 20-30 fry approximately every month.

   - **Fry Care**: To increase fry survival rates, consider separating them from adult fish or providing plenty of hiding spots in the tank.


7. **Care**:

   - **Maintenance**: Regular water changes, good filtration, and monitoring of water parameters are crucial.

   - **Health**: A stable environment and a balanced diet help prevent diseases and maintain vibrant coloration.


8. **Community Tank Compatibility**:

   - Ideal tank mates include other small, peaceful fish such as tetras, rasboras, mollies, and other guppies.

   - Avoid larger or aggressive fish that might stress or prey on them.


If you need more details about their care, breeding, or tank setup, feel free to ask!

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